Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Announcement: Now Accepting Moms and Dads

Parents have asked us for years if we would treat them as well as their kids, so we are happy to announce we can now say “YES” to these requests!

Two weeks ago we rolled out our hygiene program for parents. It has been getting rave reviews thanks to the dedication and time our hygienist Keisha has put into developing the program.

As a pediatric specialist, I had resisted the idea of “seeing adults” for years, because I didn’t want to take away from our primary focus: your children. However, at a recent dental conference I had a revelation that seeing moms and dads will actually enhance our mission: a practice full of cavity free kids. I can remain focused on your child’s health, and you benefit as well. Here is how:
  1. The whole family hears about our progressive cavity prevention methods and receives our individualized coaching. If the parents are on board and participating in habit changes, the kids will be more likely to follow their example. I can think of numerous times where we could not get the soda or candy out of the house because one parent was not equally motivated to make the needed changes.
  2. The added convenience of scheduling the whole family in the same place at the same time.
  3. Better bacteria control. We can better work to control the bacteria of every individual in the family, so it is not passing from parent to child or from child to child. Once the bacteria established are the healthy strains, it is easier to keep the body in balance and avoid cavities.
  4. The compassion and understanding that is so important when working with children is also appreciated by adults. You will just have to excuse us if we still use kid friendly terms like Mr. Thirsty and Squirt Gun!
  5. Our dedication to the latest therapies and research will now apply to adult care and your periodontal health. Overall health is increasingly being linked to periodontal health (i.e. healthy gums and teeth). Full term pregnancies, lower blood pressure, increased heart health, and better controlled diabetes are just some of the benefits being linked to a healthy mouth.
  6. Our office’s dedication to communication, coaching, education, and individualization will now be accessible to you.

We hope you are excited and will take advantage of this expansion of our mission. Now we not only want to keep the children in our practice cavity-free but their parents as well.


Dr. Dean Brandon said...

It's been a few years since this post. How is this program going? Seems like adult hygiene program would be great, but I wonder about the restorative. What about adults with extensive crown and bridge treatment needs (something I'd rather someone else handle than me)? or, has this program been overwhelmed by a strong pediatric demand? Just wondering?

Dr. Gary Myers said...
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Dr. Dean Brandon said...

Got your message! Great that it is working out. We have lots of Pedo right now, but are always looking at ways to increase our practice and serve those we can.