Wednesday, May 14, 2008

When to Start Flossing

Did you know that most 4 year olds need their teeth flossed? Many parents simply do not think of flossing their young child’s teeth until it is too late. Don’t let this be you!

As soon as your child's teeth "touch," it is time to floss. Most children's front teeth have space between them, but the back teeth rarely have this space. They "touch." My son Graham (who is only 21 months) needs his incisors (the front ones) flossed because they are tight and touch each other.

Flossing is especially important if your child gets any kind of sugar in between meals such as fruit juice, gummy vitamins, or snacks such as fruit roll ups or Scooby snacks.

I know what you may be thinking… “It is hard enough to brush my wild man or princess each night, and now you want me to floss? I won’t have any fingers left after that exercise!"

Relax. We have a good solution that makes flossing easy and maybe even fun.

First, go to the drug store and look for floss helpers. Stay away from the ones marketed for kids (like the animal flossers and such). They have an awkward angle for back teeth and the floss is never very tight, which is important. Reach makes a very good flosser with prestrung inserts.

Then lay you child on a bed with their head hanging off or let them lay on your lap on the couch where there is good light. You will find this makes getting to those back teeth much easier and saves your fingers from being chew toys.

We are always happy to help coach you on proper technique, so if you are having trouble, stop in for a flossing demonstration or technique help.

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