Wednesday, October 15, 2008

TV Channel 4 Spot: Dr. Gary Likes These Lollipops

Did you see us? Myers Pediatric Dentistry made the news! We were interviewed by Jacksonville’s Channel 4 news on Wednesday, September 26 regarding our use of Dr. John’s Herbal Lollipop. The spot aired on their Friday morning show.

Although they edited my explanation of how the lollipops work to about a five second sound bite, it was very encouraging to hear our message of prevention get out to the Jacksonville community.

For those of you who did not see the news clip, there is a new sugar-free lollipop on the dental market that can suppress the bacteria that causes cavities for up to 3 months. The active ingredient is an herbal extract of licorice.

I first heard about this product two years ago when it was still in development by researchers at UCLA. About 4 months ago, Dr. John’s Herbal Lollipops made their market debut with some national news coverage. Channel 4 picked up a press release about how they’re being integrated into Head Start programs on a national level, so we called and asked if they wanted to talk to an office using it locally.

In our office, Dr. John’s lollipop is another way to control the bacteria in the mouth that cause cavities. It is not a magic bullet that will allow bad habits to persist, but it can reduce or eliminate cavities when used along with good hygiene and diet. Of course, we still love and recommend Xylitol gum as a way to create healthy bacteria in the mouth and suppress the destructive bacteria for a longer timeframe.

If you or your child has struggled with cavities, please let us know when you visit so we can develop an individualized strategy to get you back in balance and avoid future cavities. You never know – this dentist may hand you a lollipop!

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